Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'm inspired by Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, to start my own gratitude journal.  I will post it here as a way to keep myself motivated to keep going with it.  I pray and trust that God will help me see the many graces he has bestowed in my life.

1.  a father, loved and still alive and healthy at age 83

2.  a mother, though deceased, loved, and still alive in memories and dreams

3.  twelve little paws, all racing to find the best place in the bed at bedtime every night

4.  a home, warm against the elements

5.  flowered string lights in the bedroom

6.  a computer, link to the world

7.  internet, link to the world

Here's my start...not a very good one, but no sleep...things will look better after a little shut-eye, if I ever get any!!!  :-)   Good night...good morning...

Have a blessed day,